Evolution is like a sieve

Plastic sieveEvolution is about as complex as taking sand and gravel, pour it in a sieve, and shake the sieve… and… lo and behold, there’s only gravel left in the sieve!

And the gravel is big, and heavy… The sieve has selected large stuff! Hey, how do we know it was the sieve that selected the large stuff? A sieve doesn’t have a mind! It must have been someone else!

It must have been God!

Anschluss 2.0

Anschluss 2.0: Happening right now at a Russian-Ukranian border near you…

I mean, if Putin was any smart, he’d claim there was weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine, that would have worked, but using propaganda about threatened Russian speakers and arranging a ballot where 97% is for a separation… that is so 1930ies.

Spy school

spy2– I failed spy school.

– Why?

– They asked me if I could ever see myself lying and I told them I had never lied in my whole life.

– And?

– They kicked me out… idiots!