We need more money because we can’t plan

Three identical cases, no?

  1. Housing company; we need to raise the rent considerably because we have a lot of planned renovations to perform this year
  2. Power company; we need to raise the network charge considerably because we have a lot of old nets that need to be fixed this year
  3. Employee; I need a raise in salary because I have to buy a new car this year…

Why is it that only some people have to plan their economy?

Surveillance society

surveillancePolice: You’re under arrest for treason!

Citizen: Why?

Police: You are having a dream about assassinating the president.

Citizen: But that’s not the president! It’s my father… with a president-mask.

Police: OK, then it’s conspiracy to commit murder…

Citizen: OK.

National Soul

Do I believe in a national soul? Sure, I believe in a national mind too, and I believe a bunch of those national minds should visit a therapist…

Update: One of the problems with discriminative speech is that you’re not always realizing you’re doing it. The above comment can be interpreted as some nations have mental problems. Or in fact, since nations cannot have mental problems, it must be their population that does.

By using the wording “some nations” it can further be suggested that not all nations have this problem, opening the door for an interpreter to put their favorite hated nation into the “some nations need therapy”-column.

I wrote the above lines because they sounded funny. Now that I have contemplated them, I realize they aren’t that funny at all. Or perhaps it’s because the political climate is getting colder, and I was unable to detect the discriminative/racist interpretation before.

Regardless… right wing extremists: please don’t use the above words as a slogan! Everyone else, read some more on this blog and I hope you’ll realize that I might be mildly anti-American (hey! you need to hear that shit!) but far from racist or discriminative.

Installing a mouse on Windows

After having tried to install a mouse (yes you heard me right, install a mouse) on Windows (now it makes sense, right?) I’m expecting to see a three headed dog walking on its hind legs.

Now, my mouse (my Microsoft mouse) was not supported by my computer (running Windows) so I had to rip the newer mouse from my Linux box and plug it into the Windows box, and after downloading, confirming the usage agreement (huh?) the mouse driver software installation progress *phew* started. After a lengthy stare period featuring a progress bar I finally had my mouse.


While all that progressed I plugged the old (“unrecognizable”) mouse into my Linux box and lo and behold, it worked the instant I plugged it in. (Actually, no I’ve learned not to “lo and behold” Linux like decades ago, it’s SOP for that OS that simple things just work – sure you have to choose your graphics card wisely etc, but hell, a mouse pointer…?)

But Microsoft’s OS is superior… that’s what the Microsoft aficionados are whining anyway.

Oh, and pray the gods you always have access to Internet or your supersplendidgloriousfinesuperior Windows will have to work without a mouse…

Facebook… center of the universe?

Not_facebook_not_like_thumbs_downI just stumbled onto Facebook (it wasn’t my fault!) and when I wanted to leave I had to press an “are you sure you want to leave Facebook” button.

So, I checked and still today Facebook isn’t part of the standard model of physics and it doesn’t seem to be part of any of the big religions… so yes, the universe WILL survive without Facebook.

I clicked, “YES I want to leave” and I’m still here!