This week’s unrecommended word: Facerape
Facerape: The act of abusing someone’s Facebook account on a computer where they have left themselves logged in. (Urban dictionary).
So, what’s so wrong with this expression then? (I am sure someone “just has to ask.”)
Well, where I come from (Sweden) the combination of the words “Facebook” and “rape” took on a pretty different meaning just a couple of weeks ago when three morons allegedly live-streamed a rape on Facebook.
Or perhaps that is the meaning the expression “Facerape” should have?
And seriously, rape?
Whoever coined the expression “Facerape” either speaks English as a second language and doesn’t fully understand the meaning of the word “rape” or they haven’t even been near a discussion of rape, not to mention knows someone who has been a victim of rape, or been a rape victim themselves, or been anywhere near any form of sex involving more than one person at all… one might guess.
And of course the same goes for those who uses the expression.
The justice systems in most countries are already making good headway on watering down the meaning of the term rape.
They don’t need your help.
If someone breaks into your Facebook account, changes a bunch of things, sends messages in your name, and/or changes your relationship status you’ve been exposed to something unpleasant, abusive, fucked up, sure, but for fuck’s sake, you haven’t been raped!
Being “hacked” is not the same as being raped.
Besides, if we were to continue this tradition of insane overcharging of meanings… what about:
- House rape – breaking and entering
- Car rape – someone nabbed your car stereo
- Pocket rape (ewww) – being pick pocketed
- Mind rape – copyright infringement (although, I can see the record companies wield that one…)
- Thread rape – when someone asks about the pros and cons of instant facelift serums in your “all my disks crashed and the computer is burning! help!”-forum discussion
No. A rape is a rape is a rape. Nothing can be used as a comparison.
Besides. I’m pretty sure no one would give a shit if you changed your Facebook settings back to what they were before you were “Faceraped.” And if they tried to sue you, it wouldn’t even be legal in fucking Arkansas!