All posts by erk

I love writing, computers, puns... can sometimes be spiritual, or mindful. Life is the biggest experience gift you'll ever get... enjoy the hell out of it!

Rap sheet a mile long

– He has a rap sheet a mile long!
– Did you know that if you tape together the pages of my bible it won’t even be 200 meters?
– Would that be short edge to short edge or long edge to long edge?
– Short edge to short edge, of course… we wouldn’t want the bible to come up short, would we?
– But it’s okay to compare it to a rap sheet?

Now, on the other hand. If we were to type the names of the ca 15 million people that died in nazi concentration camps due to the decisions of Adolf Hitler on A4 papers, a name per row, forty rows per page. Taping them together the same way would make a “rap sheet” over 100 kilometers long! That’s over 60 miles!

And these are just the names. No room to describe all the crimes committed…

Defining moments

Defining/scary moments in life:

  • The first time you realize mom and dad doesn’t have all the answers.
  • The first time you realize your doctor doesn’t have all the answers.
  • The first time you realize there are questions that has no answers.