Pure silence is added whenever possible.

Couldn’t help myself! I’m using some random text (Lorem Ipsum) in an application (I took a couple of sentences, split them up into words and randomized them into a new “text”), and I got curious about what would happen if I took my random text and run it through Google Translate. Here are some golden nuggets!

Love in the digital era?

To love short or long description, nor in the more powerful marriage with a sample in a data center.

Yep! Random generators and Google Translate are against copyrights:

Rights helping take your life.

How about this one for your door mat?

Welcome to here.

Letter of complaint?

Not just your products but you need a no mourning.

Ah, yeah, my GTD-aspirations in a nutshell:

Sometimes you make your list, but more than dwell.

Is this about relations?

Want this torture to make your life but no more singles in itself.

Above the entrance to your local university?

More members of the street unless you just read here.

Is this what AI will bring us?:

You bowel is a download box.

Beware of the Intel Core teens?

Read more here by the Intel Core teens, as at the price of the month. Your wish is for none. Read more in pain. Click for more. Wishes to you for they do not want that by the disease.

Be original!

More What’s New in your reply.

Give me a raise – I need a new car!

This is my base vehicles, need some price Employment.

Um, intermarriage?

We here in the free right of intermarriage.

Yeah, I hear this one when I’m tired or talking to someone that pretends to know what they’re talking about…:

Administrator ligula viverra viverra this some more.

Why write tons of books about requirements specification when all you need is:

System Requirements silence, the author of a comment.

But well, who pays your bills?

Client Forms live element.

Pure silence:

More more more more more more pure silence is added whenever possible.

Shakespearian lust?

My hunger for my lion, nor life at your sauce and your region.

First you’re young and full of ideas, then you start working for the man…

Employment class you need in your life here, pure torture to your bow before the process and initiatives.

Something for the diet book?

Who the menu is more to love, but sometimes more change to hate.

Um… deep and poetic… I think…

Shoes, your wishes to be this way.

I hate it when that “no happier more” arrives!

This no happier more, is here.

A whiff of the good old days?

Marriage to accept and silently.

Aging sucks?

Dwell in old age, and the author of various torture.

Freedom!… to compare products…

As before by no more you make your home the trophy for freedom is just. Compare Products.

The School of Life goes online…

T​he shores of life pain Elementary School is now online.

Those pesky customers…:

Customer Care Center for just more hatred.

Abstain, or at least use protection!

Loves the bed, enabling a sample now, you know the author of your disease started with more initiatives.

Hmmm …

By way of our, Blockquote: disease free.

The suffering poet:

Paragraphs break my pain.



The glass is empty and full

The glass is empty and full, because:

0.5 empty glasses = 0.5 full glasses
2 x 0.5 empty glasses = 2 x 0.5 full glasses
1 empty glass = 1 full glass

It’s just like eating the cake and keeping the cake… I mean pity those who eat the cake and doesn’t get to keep it, right?

How do you log to the Windows event log from C# .NET?

This seems to do the trick if you want to log to the Windows event log:

private void logError(string message, string source)
	System.Diagnostics.EventLog log = new System.Diagnostics.EventLog();
	log.Source = source;
	log.WriteEntry(message, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error);

private void logError(Exception exception, string source)
	logError(exception.ToString(), source);

Put it in your class, or in a special logging class.

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Internt/Egna SharePoint – Miniprojekt Utveckling/Design Lookup fält programmagiskt… / ContentTypes